How Can You Use WooCommerce Subscriptions For Service-Based Businesses?
woocommerce subscriptions services

How Can You Use WooCommerce Subscriptions For Service-Based Businesses?

Today, every click can lead to a discovery, and service-based businesses are finding innovative ways to harness the power of recurring revenue models. Imagine a world where automation meets the personalized touch of expert services. This is a vision and a reality for business owners who have embraced WooCommerce Subscriptions. 

With this powerful tool, service-based businesses can offer their clients a seamless experience, ensuring that the intricate tapestries of services they provide are not just a one-off transaction but a journey of ongoing growth and support.

WooCommerce Subscription allows businesses to create various subscription options—weekly, monthly, or annually. Subscriptions are not about billing but about building relationships, fostering community, and ensuring that the value of services grows over time. 

This article will uncover how you can use WooCommerce Subscriptions for service-based businesses. We will discuss everything from initial setup to detailed management of the tool. Let us dive straight into it!

WooCommerce Subscriptions Explained!

WooCommerce Subscriptions is a robust extension for WooCommerce designed to enable businesses to sell services with recurring payments. It is an essential tool for any e-commerce platform looking to implement a subscription-based model, offering various features to cater to different business needs. 

Here is a detailed look at what WooCommerce Subscriptions can do for you:

Multiple Billing Schedules

It supports a variety of billing schedules, allowing customers to subscribe weekly, monthly, or annually.

Payment Gateways Integrated

WooCommerce Subscriptions integrates over 25 payment gateways for automatic recurring payments. It also supports manual renewal payments through any WooCommerce payment gateway complemented by automatic invoices and receipts. 

Subscriber Management

When the user subscribes, the tool offers them control over managing their plans, including the option to upgrade or downgrade their subscriptions without needing assistance. 

Automatic Rebilling 

The extension automatically rebills on failed subscription payments, ensuring businesses never lose revenue due to payment issues. 

Synchronized Payments

This tool allows businesses to synchronize their renewals and ensure that all customers are on the same billing cycle. 

Variable Subscriptions 

Businesses can offer various subscriptions for services, creating diverse offerings such as yearly software billing packages.

Subscription Coupons

The extension also includes offering discounts on monthly payments or signup fees, with recurring discount coupons and signup-free coupons available.

Detailed Analytics and Reports

The tool offers detailed reports for businesses to track recurring revenue, active subscribers, and other crucial metrics. 

Importance of Subscription Models for Service-based Businesses

The subscription model has emerged as a game-changer for service-based businesses, revolutionizing their operations. They offer several benefits over conventional settings, which include:

Predictable Revenue System

Once a business has been operating long enough to collect data, the number of customer gains and losses in a given timeframe makes it easier to judge what income will look like from one month to the next.

Recurring Revenue

Another advantage is recurring revenue; customers get updates quicker, and businesses are constantly getting paid. 

More Substantial and Long-Term Customer Relationship

Having loyal and trusted customers is a blessing. The subscription model offers a long-term relationship with your customers by allowing businesses to respond promptly to consumer queries.

Upselling and Cross-Selling Made Easy

Subscription models also offer more significant opportunities for upselling and cross-selling since your customers have already gained faith in your business.

Easier Demand Forecasting

With the right metrics, the same data that makes it easier to predict your revenue stream from month to month will make it easier to do demand forecasting.

Businesses That Can Leverage WooCommerce Subscriptions

WooCommerce Subscriptions is a versatile tool that many businesses can utilize. Here are some service-based businesses that can significantly benefit from implementing WooCommerce Subscriptions:

Consulting Services

Consulting firms can use WooCommerce Subscriptions to schedule client appointments and manage different consulting packages. It allows for flexible pricing depending on the scope of work and can integrate with calendar plugins for easy booking.

Digital Marketing and Web Services

Digital marketers can create SEO, PPC, email marketing, and social media management service packages. WooCommerce Subscriptions facilitates long-term client partnerships through recurring service packages. 

Moreover, web developers, SEO experts, and digital strategists can provide ongoing website maintenance, content updates, and strategy sessions through recurring subscriptions.

Online Courses and Workshops

Educators and trainers can sell and manage courses with LMS plugins compatible with WooCommerce. Subscriptions allow ongoing access to educational content.

Graphic Design Services

Graphic designers can offer predefined design packages and use WooCommerce to allow clients to request custom quotes and pay invoices. It serves as both a portfolio and a commerce platform.

Photography and Videography Services

Photographers and videographers can use WooCommerce to showcase their portfolios and set up a booking system for shoots or productions. Themes like Astra can help create visually appealing portfolio websites.

Health and Wellness Services

Gyms, yoga studios, and personal trainers can offer monthly memberships or class passes. Clients can subscribe to access a certain number of monthly classes or enjoy unlimited visits.

Online Coaching and Training

Through a subscription model, life coaches, business mentors, and personal development trainers can provide ongoing coaching sessions, webinars, or interactive workshops.

Professional Services

Law firms, accounting services, and IT support can set up retainer services, in which clients pay a recurring fee for a set number of consultation hours or support services each month.

Cleaning and Maintenance Services

Residential and commercial cleaning businesses and maintenance service providers can offer regular service appointments on a subscription basis.

Personal Styling and Fashion Consulting

Fashion consultants and personal stylists can create subscription plans for regular wardrobe updates, personal shopping services, or style consultations.

Event Planning and Catering Services

Event planners and caterers can use subscriptions for clients who have regular events, such as corporate clients or venues, ensuring a steady stream of business.

Creative Services

Writers, artists, and musicians can offer their subscribers exclusive content, early access to their work, or personalized services.

Setting Up WooCommerce Subscription

To ensure your online store gets recurring revenue through a subscription model and manage it effectively, you need to set up WooCommerce Subscriptions. To do so, follow this step-by-step guide: 

Installing WooCommerce Subscription

The first step is to purchase the WooCommerce Subscription extension from its website and download it. Once done, navigate to “Plugins” from the WooCommerce dashboard and click “Add New” to upload the .zip file downloaded. Click “Install Now” to initialize the setup and activate the WooCommerce Subscription extension.


The WooCommerce Subscription tab is now available on the WooCommerce sidebar. Click it to reveal different configuration settings, and untick “Accept Manual Renewals” under the renewal section to automatically handle customer payments. 

You must also allow “Enable automatic retry of failed recurring payments” under the “Retry Failed Payment” section to recover payments lost in failed transactions.

Enable Customers to SignUp During Checkout

Go to your WooCommerce Settings. Under the “Accounts & Privacy” tab, confirm that users have the option to create accounts during checkout. Customer accounts can also be created automatically with their provided email address—their login credentials are sent directly to their inbox.

Payment Integration

You do not have to integrate anything from scratch here. All you need to do is verify payment methods that support Automatic Recurring payments. Click the toggle button next to the payment method that is compatible with it.  

List Subscription-Based Services

Now go to WooCommerce > Products > Add Product and click Product Data. Select “Simple Subscription” from the dropdown menu. Here, enter the subscription price, sign-up fee, and free trial for a certain number of days, if any and hit the “Publish” button. Customers can also sign up for one subscription at a set price. 

To create a service variation, repeat the process and select “Variable Subscription” from the dropdown menu.

Test Your Setup

It is essential to gain insight into the customer experience to ensure everything works flawlessly. You can do this either creating a test service launch or making a dummy purchase from your store. 

Tips for Maximizing the Benefits of WooCommerce Subscriptions

WooCommerce Subscriptions has become a powerful tool for businesses to generate recurring revenue and build long-term customer relationships. However, to truly maximize the benefits of this tool, it is essential to understand and implement specific eCommerce strategies and best practices. The following tips provide a comprehensive guide on how to use WooCommerce Subscriptions effectively:

Use a Payment Method that Supports Automatic Recurring Payments

The first tip is to ensure you are using Automatic Recurring Payments. If you want to get the most out of WooCommerce Subscriptions, use a payment method that supports recurring payment methods. Most popular payment methods support recurring payments. You can check this by going to WooCommerce > Settings > Payments

You are good if you see a check box next to your payment method. You must have an excellent reason not to use automatic recurring payments to get nearly as much value out of WooCommerce Subscriptions if you have a payment method that supports recurring payments.

Motivate Your Customers 

Show your customers how much they will save by subscribing rather than making a one-time purchase. Offering a discount to entice customers to subscribe rather than buy once can be a powerful motivator. You can configure subscription discounts based on subscription frequency.

Integrate with Email Marketing Tools 

Integrating WooCommerce Subscriptions with popular email marketing tools can help you keep your subscribers engaged and reduce churn. You can send automated emails to remind customers about upcoming renewals, thank them for their subscriptions, or offer them special deals.

Generate Custom Reports and Track Subscription Performance

WooCommerce Subscriptions provides detailed reports that can help you track the performance of your subscriptions. You can see the total revenue generated by subscriptions, the number of active subscribers, the average revenue per subscriber, and more. Use this data to identify trends, spot issues, and make informed decisions about your subscription business.

WooCommerce Subscriptions For Services

To stay ahead of the curve as a service-based business, you must adopt a WooCommerce subscription model. This strategic move will significantly enhance your business operations and customer relationships. 

However, to truly reap the benefits of WooCommerce Subscriptions, it is crucial to understand and implement the best practices for managing and updating subscriptions. This includes:

  • thorough planning and analysis, 
  • choosing the proper migration process, 
  • backing up your data, 
  • testing in a staging environment, 
  • communicating with customers, 
  • verifying payment gateways, 
  • monitoring and optimizing post-migration.

Remember, the key to a successful subscription business is setting up the right tools, understanding your customers, and continuously improving your offerings based on their needs and feedback. So, take the leap, embrace WooCommerce Subscriptions, and propel your service-based business to new heights of success. 

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